Monday 29 November 2010


Today as it is too cold to go outside and film we have decided as a group to stay in the lesson and look through what we have filmed, edit what we have and listen to possible music we could use.

Jamie has been editing the footage we took last week, this has included deleting, tweaking . He had some issues with the credits, as you cant move them on imovie. But he overcame this by going on imovie tutorials and achieved what we wanted.

Nikki has been researching fonts to use on our poster, 'dead babies' was a favorite of our group. She has also been listening to different types of sounds which could be included on our trailer.



In our lesson today we went to the wooded area with the cave and continued to film. Jamie filmed Nikki (the little girl) inside the cave whilst rocking back and forth.  He also filmed himself running and panting while i was screaming in the background. Megan attempted to make a fire to add effect to the dark scene but it was too damp and she didn't succeed.


Monday 22 November 2010


Last week jamie and nikki did some editing on the filming we did the week before. We have used some effects to make it look old and dated, like it was filmed a long time ago.

Monday 15 November 2010


Last week we were introduced to the filming equipment, we had a short experiment with it, tested it out and worked out how to use it then went down to Wickham to start our filming. Me and Katie sorted costume/hair/make-up, Jamie did the filming and production and Nikki did the acting. We filmed in a woods for the opening scene of our trailer, and took some photos and more filming down by a river in the woods.
