Monday 28 March 2011


Today all four of us have individually been answering a question for our evaluation, creating our own powerpoint presentations which we will then put together to make one once we have finished


Monday 21 March 2011

Film Poster Revised

this is the poster jamie took and changed to make better for this i used layer masks and different blending modes in photoshop to create a black and scary effect. i used "lighting effects" in photoshop to isolate the main subject to make it stand out.

i used the same fonts as i used in the trailer so it matches up and looks the same. at home i plan to make this look a bit better.


Film Trailer Poster

this is the poster megan made for out film

Monday 7 March 2011


Final Day Of Production

Today is the final day of production before we start working on our evaluation next week. Jamie completed the movie trailer with all the audio,  Nikki started her evaluation and helped me adding the finishing touches to the blog. Megan finished the advertising poster for the trailer. 

Anything We Have Missed Out On Previous Posts

This post will consist of anything little that we have missed in previous posts. All the little things we have made but haven't managed to post about.

For our trailer we will put a screen that shows the rating of our film. As this is a horror film we will be using a Red screen which represents  R-rated which is used for films that can only be seen by people 17 years of over. As we couldn't find one on the internet to use as an example jamie has found a green one that shows what we mean. we will copy the red one from a youtube trailer we have found.....

This is the rating screen we have created bellow. Nikki used different sized fonts, outer shadows and different layer to create this we found the websites and the links on a original poster

Bellow is our red screen without a drop shadow 

Bellow is our red screen before we we added any effects we just added one text and changed the size of that words "Preview, Restricted Audiences Only" this made the poster look more like the original.


All the music that jamie put in the trailer he manipulated in garageband then bought it into imovie later he then changed parts of the audio so it was unique to our trailer, i mixed different loops together to make different sounding audio clips he added spacey effects like "reverb,delay,flange,chorus" to make the spooky sounds that are commonly used in movie trailers.