Monday 13 December 2010


This week we're creating a rough cut of our trailer, using the shots that Zack took last week. Jamie and Nikki are going to also add sound effects, music and credits to the trailer.

We're looking for conventional text used in horror movie trailers, we like the ones used the Amityville Horror Trailer (2005) and the REC Trailer

Megan And Katie


This week we got an actor  to play one of the boys in our trailer. Zack got into final 100 for the auditions for the third series of skins. He played the the character jack who gets left on his own in the woods whilst his two friends disappear. He shot himself talking into the camera and running out of the cave. We also filmed some sound effects for the trailer.

Next week were going to use these cuts and put them into our trailer.

Megan and Katie

Monday 29 November 2010


Today as it is too cold to go outside and film we have decided as a group to stay in the lesson and look through what we have filmed, edit what we have and listen to possible music we could use.

Jamie has been editing the footage we took last week, this has included deleting, tweaking . He had some issues with the credits, as you cant move them on imovie. But he overcame this by going on imovie tutorials and achieved what we wanted.

Nikki has been researching fonts to use on our poster, 'dead babies' was a favorite of our group. She has also been listening to different types of sounds which could be included on our trailer.



In our lesson today we went to the wooded area with the cave and continued to film. Jamie filmed Nikki (the little girl) inside the cave whilst rocking back and forth.  He also filmed himself running and panting while i was screaming in the background. Megan attempted to make a fire to add effect to the dark scene but it was too damp and she didn't succeed.


Monday 22 November 2010


Last week jamie and nikki did some editing on the filming we did the week before. We have used some effects to make it look old and dated, like it was filmed a long time ago.

Monday 15 November 2010


Last week we were introduced to the filming equipment, we had a short experiment with it, tested it out and worked out how to use it then went down to Wickham to start our filming. Me and Katie sorted costume/hair/make-up, Jamie did the filming and production and Nikki did the acting. We filmed in a woods for the opening scene of our trailer, and took some photos and more filming down by a river in the woods.


Monday 18 October 2010

Shot List

These are a few shots that will we probably end up using in the film trailer.

Wide Shot
EWS(Extreme Wide Shot)
VWS (Very Wide Shot)
Close Up
ECU (Extreme Close Up)
Cut In
CA (Cut Away)
Two Shot
Reverse Cut

Where we are planning to shoot the cave scene

Taken by Katie modelled by Megan

First draft of script

First shot is a little girl riding a bike, filmed from behind in a vintage recording

Fade to Black background: ‘in 2006 3 students documented what they thought was just a myth, a year a go the footage was found’

Boy 1: ‘its all a lie you’re not going to find anything here’

Boy 2: ‘no its not, its true you mug. Shut up for a second, what was that?’

‘Tense music’
Flash of close up girl

Going into cave and spot the bike

Girl: ‘we should have never come hear I think we should go’ (crying)
Hear the little girl in the background moaning and asking them to stay

Boy 1: ‘did you feel that’ (scream)

Boy 2: ‘has the camera running away with the cave in shot as he gets away, but you don’t see which one got away’. 

Megan and Katie

Monday 11 October 2010

These photos on the contact sheet our ones that Jamie took in Southsea today. We thought these photos would be appropriate for our poster designs and maybe for some quick cuts in the trailer. These photos work quite well because they link into our plot line about the tunnel and the girl. Jamie made a mock up of the poster as shown below, this is what the poster may look like. It would need some more editing done to it but it wouldn't look much similar.


Monday 4 October 2010

This is a poster that I  (jamie) made, it contains credits the title and some big production companies that have produced it. i made it on photoshop converting the original image to black and white choosing scary looking fonts for the title and the credit.

Monday 4th October - Finalizing plot

As a group we have come to a decision to base our trailer on the myth called Seven Steps, we decided to do this because it is not only a good idea but is achievable. However we are not just going to tell the story, the plot of the film is that three teenagers hear about the myth and think it is a joke. They want to test the myth out so head down to the cave where you can supposedly hear the girl crying and asking you too look after her. The teenagers take a hand held camera to film the events happening but take it as a light hearted event and take it in turns to trick each other into believing that there is a ghost. As events fold out her bike is found and it is clear that it is not just a myth. The teenagers quickly realise this and try to escape the cave but the girl would rather they be dead with her than them to leave her alone. She murders two of the teenagers on their attempted escape but one gets away to warn people never to go into the cave.


Monday 27 September 2010

27th September, Further Research

Today, we have been doing some further research into our film trailer.
Jamie is making a poster so we can put it up in college and get people to volunteer to be in the trailer, he is going to put them up in the drama and performing arts side of college because thats where most people would be interested.

Megan has been looking up urban myths that we could base a the plot of the story on. She has found a myth online called Seven Steps Ghost Girl and this is like myth.. 

Back in the 1900′s, there was a regular old train track on top of a regular old cave in the regular old town of Canton, PA. The train was pretty inactive and only came through the town on occasion. A little girl decided she wanted to be a "big girl" and go ride her bike on her own. She thought that the tracks looked like a pretty flat, easy place to ride. She started at the beginning of the tracks, and began to enjoy herself. Faster and faster she went! Zooming over bumps and rocks! Oh, she was having a grand time. She heard a whistle and turned her head. While she was distracted, she abruptly hit a rock and fell off of her bike. She skinned her knees and, as any 7 year old would do, she started to cry. She heard the whistle again! The train was coming! She sat up but was restrained. She looked down and saw her little pink and white dress caught in the tracks. She tried to pull it out, but it was stuck fast. The little girl looked over and saw the train, not 300 yards away. She pulled and tugged, but the dress would not budge. Looking around for something that might help her get free, she saw a broken bottle laying on the ground. She grabbed it and began to saw at her dress. She glanced up and at that moment the last of the fabric gave away. Her body hit the water running through the cave below, with a splash. She was barely alive and she dragged herself as far as she could to try to save herself. Moaning, she crawled into a nearby crevice, and died.
It’s said that you can still hear her moans echoing through the cave and, if you enter at precisely midnight, she will follow you throughout the cave, asking for you to stay with her.
I’m not one to get scared easily, but I’ve been to Seven Steps. I went at midnight and was promptly scared out of it. If you strain your ears, you actually can hear a low humming, very much like a small child’s moan. It’s so unbelievably creepy, that I didn’t even make it to the end. I hope you enjoyed Canton’s ghost story.
Kate has been props and costume, also make-up seeing what people look like in movie trailers, what clothes and make-up they are wearing so we can copy and redo some of their styles. 
we have all decided that Hilsea train station is a good place to film our trailer as there are tunnels and bridges that we can use to film which will link in well with the myth. Another thing have all decided on is that we will need three  people to film pretending to be a group of friends. We would also need to buy a dress and a bike. 

By Nichola