Monday 18 October 2010

First draft of script

First shot is a little girl riding a bike, filmed from behind in a vintage recording

Fade to Black background: ‘in 2006 3 students documented what they thought was just a myth, a year a go the footage was found’

Boy 1: ‘its all a lie you’re not going to find anything here’

Boy 2: ‘no its not, its true you mug. Shut up for a second, what was that?’

‘Tense music’
Flash of close up girl

Going into cave and spot the bike

Girl: ‘we should have never come hear I think we should go’ (crying)
Hear the little girl in the background moaning and asking them to stay

Boy 1: ‘did you feel that’ (scream)

Boy 2: ‘has the camera running away with the cave in shot as he gets away, but you don’t see which one got away’. 

Megan and Katie

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